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How Much is a Website?

A snicker crept across the auditorium as a room full of website developers awaited a panelist’s answer when asked this question last weekend at WordCampDFW.

Her response? “How much is a house in Dallas? That all depends on what size house you want and the neighborhood you want to live in!”

Website developers are often asked the question. And many of us hesitate to give a cut-and-dry answer. Because it depends.

Do you want a website that is basically a business card that includes your logo, color scheme, and a way to contact you?

Or do you want a website that helps you establish and maintain a connection between your organization and a website visitor? Do you want to include a slideshow of a recent event? Do you want to sell something on your website? If you’re a church, do you want to provide audio or video of your pastor’s recent sermons on your website?

The answer to how much a website costs has everything to do with what you want to accomplish with your website. That’s why it’s difficult to get a straight answer to a vague question — from a quality website developer.

That’s why we ask questions. We don’t want to merely sell you a website. We want to help you establish and maintain a connection with people.

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